Two of my most frequently asked questions are: “What are podcasts?” and “What’s the difference between a podcast and an internet radio show?” Even though podcasts are growing in popularity, the difference between these mediums is not always clear.

Let’s break down these questions very simply, because people still either don’t know what a podcast is or they easily confuse podcasts and internet radio shows.

What is a podcast?
Although there is a lot of debate about what a podcast is, the simplest answer is this:

A digital audio or video file or recording, usually part of a thematic series, that can be downloaded from a website to a media player or computer.

There are many different factors that go into the creation of a podcast and how it is presented, but at its core, a podcast is a digital audio or video file that is sent to the world via an RSS feed and then played by the consumer via an RSS feed and a podcasting application such as Apple Podcasts or a digital player on a podcasting website.

What is an internet radio show?
Once again, there is debate about what an internet radio show actually is. However, in its simplest form, an internet radio show looks like this:

An internet radio station, online radio station, network radio, or web radio is an audio stream that can be accessed via the internet. We call it a stream, radio stream, or listening link. Therefore, you won’t be able to listen to it with a regular radio. Instead, you can listen to it from your computer, tablet, smartphone, or connected speaker.

What’s the difference between a podcast and an internet radio show?
Here are the 4 main differences between a podcast and an internet radio show:

  1. Podcasts are pre-recorded
    Internet radio stations and internet radio broadcasts are broadcast live on a specific day and time, while podcasts are pre-recorded. This allows for editing of podcasts, while the content of internet radio shows is raw and live as it happens.
  2. Podcasts can be played on demand
    Listeners can download and tune into a podcast episode according to their own schedule. Unless an online radio station or streaming internet radio show chooses to publish a recording of their show as a podcast, their listeners will potentially miss out if they are unable to tune in when the show is live.
  3. Podcasts can be published at any time
    Since podcasts are pre-recorded, you can control when your content is published. If you want to record your podcast at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday and release the episode live at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, you totally can! Since you don’t have a live broadcast schedule like you do with web radio, you can determine the best schedule for releasing your episodes according to your audience’s needs and wants.
  4. Podcasts are published using an RSS feed
    If you have an internet connection, you can create an RSS feed. By definition, a podcast is published using an RSS feed. RSS feeds have become a popular way for users to track and interact with your audio content as it is published.